Tag Archives: senate

Scott Howell for US Senate

When I wrote a better to the editor in support of Dan Liljenquist during the GOP primary earlier this year one of the comments that was made in response to my letter was that once Hatch won the primary all … Continue reading

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Endorsing Dan Liljenquist

Dan Liljenquist goes about the business of solving political problems the way it ought to be done. Orrin Hatch represents the failed methods of the past that need to be put behind us. Continue reading

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We Need a New Generation in Washington

Investors Business Daily has a pro-Hatch propaganda piece up that deserves a few tweaks. First, the headline says that republicans must gain control of Congress for the economy to recover. Do we really need to remind everyone that Republicans had … Continue reading

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Orrin Hatch’s Insurmountable Obstacle

photo credit: Gage Skidmore Two years into his bid for re-election (yes, he has already been in obvious campaign mode for two years), in a recent tweet Orrin Hatch invited people to let him know if he was on the … Continue reading

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Bennett’s Magic Number

With polls coming out surveying actual state delegates we are beginning to get our first picture of where Bob Bennett’s chances really stand. Of course we should never implicitly trust a first picture but it’s better than all the guesswork … Continue reading

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Tasks for State Delegates

Heading into the last few days before the precinct caucus meetings I feel that it is important to acknowledge that state delegates have more to do than simply vote for the senate candidate of their choice at the convention. I … Continue reading

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Senator Cook

In case anyone has forgotten (or perhaps you simply missed this blip of news) Merrill Cook is running to replace Bob Bennett in the U.S. Senate. If you happen to be among the forgetful or uninformed you are hereby unequivocally … Continue reading

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Meet the Candidates

Ben Horsley, a friend and candidate for House District 19 this year, put together a meet the candidates event as part of his campaign on Saturday at Bountiful City Hall. This was not a chance to meet the candidates for … Continue reading

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Evolving News

It’s interesting to watch as nothing turns into a news story. Here’s the roundup of one such process from this week. Holly Richardson writes about Tim Bridgewater’s momentum. When she talks about his fund raising she doesn’t mention that over … Continue reading

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Endorsing Mike Lee

Last night I finally got to meet Mike Lee in person. I had been looking forward to the opportunity for a number of reasons. As long as I have been interested in this Senate race I have been carefully looking … Continue reading

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