Tag Archives: Romney

Free and Strong America

I got an invitation yesterday to donate to the Free and Strong America PAC. The stated goal of this organization is to “advance conservative social, fiscal, and foreign policies.” Considering that this is Mitt Romney’s organization I had a bit … Continue reading

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Useless 401K

Why is it that the government gets to tell me when I can spend my money? That’s a question I have asked myself many times. The “you can’t touch it until you’re 60” rule is proof of why it is … Continue reading

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Good Question

I saw a video clip (I believe this was from an “Ask Mitt anything” session) in which someone asked Mitt Romney how he would go about changing the culture of Washington D.C. I thought the answer was good and the … Continue reading

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Ahead of the Curve

Yeasterday I wrote about my apprehension with Mitt Romney’s approach to health care reform in Massachusetts and the social direction of this country that our current health care reform discussion implies. Today I was surprised to find articles on both … Continue reading

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Growing Discomfort

I said before that I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with my favorite major candidates over one issue. That issue is the issue of health care reform. Obama seems firmly in the camp of having the federal government provide health insurance … Continue reading

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