Tag Archives: reactions

Nomination and Confirmation

Well, we’ve had the name of John Roberts as the niminee for the opening on the Supreme Court bench for a couple of days now. I have tried to give myself some time to gather some information and draw some … Continue reading

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Bill Gates’ Speech

Thanks to e-Clippings I read the text of Bill Gates’ Speech on America’s failing high schools. I can’t say that I am the biggest fan of Gates’ products, but his rhetoric here is exactly right and I think everyone should … Continue reading

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More Daylight

What difference will more daylight savings make to those of us outside of Arizona? Not much that I can see. If the politicians want to pass this I don’t mind it. I would love to use more sunlight, but let’s … Continue reading

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Running mates

While reading Maureen Dowd’s column (The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: Are They Losing It?) I began to think some old thoughts that I believed I had forsaken. When things started getting worse for the Bush administration … Continue reading

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