Tag Archives: national candidates

Heights of Public Discourse

I posted in June about the voucher debate exemplifying the worst of political discourse. Apparently Frank had similar thoughts about the voucher debate while reading The Audacity of Hope. I really liked Frank’s post because it illustrates one of the … Continue reading

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2008 Endorsements

Endorsed I believe that Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the country today. He has the experience of leading in both public and private capacities. His life is not littered with evidence of personal instability. He has the support … Continue reading

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Bob Hargis

Every candidate should be able to sound at least as presidential as Bob Hargis. He states his positions confidently and none of his positions are too idealistic to be plausible. In spite of that, Bob Hargis is not prepared enough … Continue reading

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Charles Maxham

Charles Maxham isn’t really running for President – he’s running to make a protest that our political system is an established system. He is right that the system is heavily tilted in favor of people within the system, but he … Continue reading

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Jon Greenspon

I can’t figure out what is motivating Jon Greenspon to run for President. Nothing that I can find suggests that he has anything to offer the country except his willingness. If somehow he were to become President I have no … Continue reading

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Joe Schriner

There’s nothing average about 9 years of endlessly campaigning to become President, especially for a guy who has no monetary wealth. Joe started running for President in 1998 and has never really stopped since. He declared his candidacy for 2008 … Continue reading

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Wayne Root

Wayne Root is an idealist. If he were president he would try to remake the face of our nation and our government. many of his ideas have their place, but if he were to be elected his single term would … Continue reading

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Alan Augustson

Learning about Alan Augustson turned out to be much less pedestrian than I had expected. I anticipated that I owuld find a candidate like so many other unknowns. I found instead a person who has some very good ideas that … Continue reading

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Mike Huckabee

I did not have high expectations when I began investigating Governor Huckabee. I knew he had been a governor, but before I started actively looking at him as a candidate I had the impression that he was just another aspiring … Continue reading

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Bill Richardson

If becoming President were like getting a job – getting the right previous experience and hoping that it is a better fit than any other potential hire – as some of his campaign ads humorously depict, Bill Richardson would easily … Continue reading

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