Tag Archives: liberty

The Liberty Line

So long as freedom of religion is protected we have reason to celebrate our independence – even if we have to work to restore or protect our other natural rights. Continue reading

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Do We Have Reason To Celebrate?

If we celebrate Independence Day rather than simply the 4th of July what are we celebrating? Do we even have any independence anymore? Continue reading

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Ensuring Personal Independence

Last week Charles D. left a short but challenging comment stating: I will be interested to read what steps you believe one can take to insure personal independence in the event of an economic collapse. Today I will attempt to … Continue reading

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Roll Your Own . . .

photo credit: She Who Shall Not Be Named When I wrote about the importance of investing in yourself I was having trouble trying to find the words to convey what I meant. I finally found a way to explain what … Continue reading

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A New View on the Flag and Pledge of Allegiance

photo credit: eschipul I had some interesting thoughts this morning after reading an article I would normally not bother to read. It was talking about a specific historical flag, but my thoughts were turned to the flag generally and then … Continue reading

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Invest in Yourself

photo credit: Cambodia Trust I drove in to work later than usual today and caught a bit of Glenn Beck. Like many conservative talk radio hosts I have heard he was promoting the value of gold as an investment. What … Continue reading

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Personal Independence

I have been wanting to talk about the meaning of personal or individual independence for a while, especially in light of recent discussions – that was even before I got this comment from Charles that captured the debate in a … Continue reading

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Phony Federalism

photo credit: estherase Gene Healy wrote about what he called Obama’s phony federalism but what he was really talking about was a relatively universal perspective on federalism: Not yet a year into his administration, Obama’s record on 10th Amendment issues … Continue reading

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Knowledge – the Key to Sound Government

photo credit: TheAllNewAventuresOfMe Although I had never heard it before, this quote in Utah Policy really captured the essence of some of what I have been trying to convey in posts and comments on what makes an ideal legislator: “A … Continue reading

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The Dangers of a Crisis Mentality

photo credit: paparutzi Soon after the election last year in the Wall Street Journal, Gerald Seib wrote about theĀ  opportunity presented by the financial crisis for Barack Obama. Perhaps he was simply reacting to Rahm Emanuel’s statement that, “you never … Continue reading

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