Tag Archives: Jason Chaffetz

Abolish Earmarks

photo credit: Skrewtape For some time I have been internally conflicted on the issue of congressional earmarking. Many people, including such diverse characters as President Obama and Congressman Chaffetz, have been vocal about calling for an end to earmarks. Others … Continue reading

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Strong National Defense for the American Dream

Regarding strong national defense in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz reminds us: The men and women serving in our armed forces are the best in the world. They can accomplish anything they are asked to do, if … Continue reading

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Accountability for the American Dream

As far as Accountability in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our sitation as: Americans have lost confidence in their elected leaders and the direction of the country as a whole. We are being governed by a … Continue reading

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Limited Government for the American Dream

On Limited Government in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our situation as: The government is omnipresent in our lives, restricting our basic liberties. The proper role of government is a strictly limited one. We recognize that … Continue reading

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Fiscal Discipline for the American Dream

Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) has proposed a Congressional Action Plan (CAP) called the Contract for the American Dream which he is inviting members of Congress and candidates for Congress to sign. While I agree with his CAP generally I thought … Continue reading

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Why Bob Bennett?

I went to the organizing convention for the Utah Republican Party on Saturday. While I was there in the nidst of hundreds of people campaigning for candidates and causes among the state delegates I made a point to talk to … Continue reading

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A Fresh Face in Congress

I really don’t mind so much if the voters in Utah always choose Republicans to represent them in Congress so long as they replace at least one incumbent on a regular basis (I’d say at least one new face every … Continue reading

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