Tag Archives: government

Government is a Tool

LaVarr Webb asks Utah Policy readers if they think government is always a necessary evil or if it can be a force for good. Since my answer to that question goes directly to the heart of what my blog is … Continue reading

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Spinning Our Wheels

I have been expressing my frustration in comments about the way the federal government seems to be doing little or nothing useful in the way of increasing our homeland security. At the same time, our president is demanding more leeway … Continue reading

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A Reasonable Proposition

I think Tim Lynch has outlined a good idea for moving forward from the FLDS Texas Nightmare. Continue reading

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Messed Up and Out of Touch

Okay, so the “messed up” and “out of touch” refer to two different things, but I think they both point to the kind of systemic problems that exist in our political system. In response to a post about the Bush … Continue reading

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Initiative vs Policy

It’s easy to find people describing the moral argument against government run social programs (forced charity encourages selfishness) but I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more compelling logical argument for the negative consequences of substituting an institutional approach to … Continue reading

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Personal Political Perspectives

I’ve posted a couple of stories where people have given personal perspectives about politics that I thought were well considered. I recently discovered that NPR has a project called Get My Vote that is meant to allow people to share … Continue reading

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Remarkable Consensus

I was pleased to read from Phil Kerpen on Earmarks: An amendment to the budget sponsored by Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) and presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain has been collecting some unlikely cosponsors over the past couple of … Continue reading

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Liberal No More

What happens when a lifetime of experience gets processed in a period of introspection and begins to overwhelm a long held youthful idealism? David Mamet comes up with this: What about the role of government? Well, in the abstract, coming … Continue reading

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Another City Overrulled

Why did State lawmakers mandate a FrontRunner stop for Bluffdale? In some ways this sounds like the decision by UDOT to toss the Lehi City proposal for the Mountain View Corridor. SB286, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Killpack, R-Syracuse, exempts UTA … Continue reading

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Oh (Big) Brother

Here’s another victory for big brother sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Our apparently bored legislature just changed the booster seat law. Don’t get me wrong – I’m all for child safety and I would welcome any effort by … Continue reading

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