Tag Archives: government

Politics vs Economics

I am not surprised that there are big ideas that make perfect sense from an economic perspective which are politically unpopular – after all, doing what has been deemed to be politically possible has led us to a dire economic position. Continue reading

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Abolish Earmarks

photo credit: Skrewtape For some time I have been internally conflicted on the issue of congressional earmarking. Many people, including such diverse characters as President Obama and Congressman Chaffetz, have been vocal about calling for an end to earmarks. Others … Continue reading

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The Right to be Charitable (or Not)

photo credit: Monjori A couple of days ago I heard Jason Lewis on the radio talking about how socialism does not create wealth (after Obama’s “where opportunity is absent government must create it” comment it’s obvious that some people just … Continue reading

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Change I Could Believe In

photo credit: jasoneppink Back in October I wrote about the dangers of a crisis mentality and tried to show that the abuse of crisis was not a one-party trait. I see that Will Wilkinson did a better job of showing … Continue reading

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Accountability for the American Dream

As far as Accountability in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our sitation as: Americans have lost confidence in their elected leaders and the direction of the country as a whole. We are being governed by a … Continue reading

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Limited Government for the American Dream

On Limited Government in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our situation as: The government is omnipresent in our lives, restricting our basic liberties. The proper role of government is a strictly limited one. We recognize that … Continue reading

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Public to Private is a One Way Economic Street

photo credit: taberandrew A post entitled The New Robber Barons got me thinking about what happens when public and private enterprises compete in a marketplace. Thinking about that led to some interesting observations. The first of which is that progressives … Continue reading

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Questions of Legitimacy

I found Power, Authority, Legitimacy at Electric Politics to be a very interesting article. It talks about these three important elements to effectively government and how they interact with each other. The focus is on legitimacy, but George Kenney also … Continue reading

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The Health Care Issue as a Catalyst for Debate

photo credit: the queen of subtle When I saw that Jim DeMint had written an article titled Our Health Care Mess Is a Symptom of a Much Bigger Problem my interest was piqued partly because I like DeMint as a … Continue reading

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Too Rich to Go Bankrupt

photo credit: Stowe Boyd By “too rich to go bankrupt” I don’t mean someone so rich that they never will go bankrupt. What I mean by that is someone so rich that them going bankrupt would destabilize our economy and … Continue reading

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