Tag Archives: goals

The Goal of My Political Activity

Last month, in response to a comment that: more often than not it seems the only choice we have in our candidates is a choice between horrible and horrible. I wrote back saying: That means that you need to get … Continue reading

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Make a Commitment

photo credit: doctor paradox On Wednesday I caught perhaps 10 minutes of the Jason Lewis Show but in that short window Jason captured for about 60 seconds exactly what is wrong with this country and how it can be fixed. … Continue reading

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Liberty is . . .

If I am pursuing liberty it seems reasonable to try defining what “liberty” is. Let me start off by saying that I chose the name very carefully and in the years since then I have confirmed many times that I … Continue reading

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Yes, I’m Still Alive

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here and I am going to work harder to change that. Things have been very busy at home and at work lately. Right now I would like to give a few projections of … Continue reading

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I had not intended to suspend posting until I had done some research on the governor of Iowa, but that is how life played out so here, after four days, is some insight into the endorsement process. I freely admit … Continue reading

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