Tag Archives: free markets

Net Neutrality vs Open Infrastructure

The almost universal reality that consumers generally have one or two choices for broadband access makes consideration of regulations such as Net Neutrality inevitable. We should also recognize that even if Net Neutrality is the fastest/easiest way to prevent corporate control of our internet access it isn’t the best approach long term. Continue reading

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Public to Private is a One Way Economic Street

photo credit: taberandrew A post entitled The New Robber Barons got me thinking about what happens when public and private enterprises compete in a marketplace. Thinking about that led to some interesting observations. The first of which is that progressives … Continue reading

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How Economies Work

photo credit: unforth When Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations he was not writing about how economies and markets should work, he was writing about how they do work. Anyone who wants to know how they do work must … Continue reading

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Economic Contradiction

Paul Krugman and I agree on little politically (I have at times agreed with him when he was arguing that TARP was a bad idea – although we disagreed on the reasons why) and despite the fact that my assumptions … Continue reading

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D-TV Switch

That would be D as in "Delay " not D as in digital. I have had the opportunity to drive to work for the last couple of days and have been listening to the radio as they discussed this issue. … Continue reading

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“Free Market” Health Care

The call for Lawyers to join health-reform efforts was a not so subtle reminder to me about how "free" our health care market is currently. We can’t really pretend that the cost of services or the services rendered are determined … Continue reading

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Laboratories of Democracy

I have been thinking about the full faith and credit clause of the Constitution (FF&C) and how that has played out in some areas of public policy. Specifically I have been thinking about how some areas of policy allow for … Continue reading

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Delving Into “Six Steps”

Joe Jarvis is a doctor and a candidate for the Utah legislature. I was very interested in exploring the six steps to bring about true health-care reform in Utah that he outlined in the Salt Lake Tribune. He has been … Continue reading

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Health Care Suggestions

Michael Cannon, a self-described conservative turned libertarian at the Cato Institute has some very good ideas on what health care reform should look like. (Hat tip Scott) Some of his suggestions seem like they would appeal to most reasonable people … Continue reading

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