Tag Archives: ethics

Why John Swallow Should Resign Even If He Did Nothing Illegal

John Swallow should resign despite the assumption that he is innocent because 1) he has displayed very poor judgement, and 2) the investigations against him dilute the effectiveness of the entire Attorney General’s office. It is abundantly clear that regardless of his innocence or guilt the people of Utah would be better off with a new Attorney General. Continue reading

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Public Office and Private Morality

photo credit: aurĂ©lien. Just to be clear from the beginning, this topic is inspired by the Kevin Garn story and while I will refer to that story specifically everything I say is meant to apply to any matters of the … Continue reading

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Self-Policing Lobbyists

Often lost in discussions about ethics legislation and lobbyist influence is the fact that there is a legitimate value that lobbyists can bring to the legislative process. I’m in favor of making solid rules of ethics for legislators and lobbyists … Continue reading

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