Tag Archives: Dan Liljenquist

Scott Howell for US Senate

When I wrote a better to the editor in support of Dan Liljenquist during the GOP primary earlier this year one of the comments that was made in response to my letter was that once Hatch won the primary all … Continue reading

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Endorsing Dan Liljenquist

Dan Liljenquist goes about the business of solving political problems the way it ought to be done. Orrin Hatch represents the failed methods of the past that need to be put behind us. Continue reading

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Perspective on Palin Endorsing Hatch

I was a little surprised at the news that Sarah Palin had endorsed Orrin Hatch. It’s not that I had expected her to endorse Dan Liljenquist, just that I would not have expected her to see an entrenched, entitled incumbent … Continue reading

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We Need a New Generation in Washington

Investors Business Daily has a pro-Hatch propaganda piece up that deserves a few tweaks. First, the headline says that republicans must gain control of Congress for the economy to recover. Do we really need to remind everyone that Republicans had … Continue reading

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Taxes: Supply vs Demand

The bulk of the discussion at the legislative town hall meeting last week was focused on fiscal issues of one kind or another. One thing that was briefly touched on was the potential return of sales tax on unprepared food. … Continue reading

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A Current Example of Being a Good Legislator

Last night I attended a town hall meeting held jointly by my state senator, Sen. Dan Liljenquist; my state representative, Rep. Becky Edwards; and the neighboring district representative in Bountiful, Rep. Sheryl Allen. I came away from that meeting with … Continue reading

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Utah Waste Buster

File this under "technology experiments by public officials" but it seemed worth linking to Utah Waste Buster if for no other reason than the fact that my senator, Dan Liljenquist, is one of those who is behind this blog. While … Continue reading

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