Tag Archives: Constitution

The Issue of Secession

Is the lack of a constitutional provision for secession a problem? What would such a provision look like? I would like to explore these questions to see what it reveals about secession and about our nation. Continue reading

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The Liberty Line

So long as freedom of religion is protected we have reason to celebrate our independence – even if we have to work to restore or protect our other natural rights. Continue reading

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Senator Jim DeMint on Term Limits

I started a discussion on term limits a couple of years ago on this site and between what I said then and what I have said on other sites I think my position on term limits is fairly clear – … Continue reading

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We Must Be Clear About This

photo credit: roberthuffstutter Bob Henline is promoting Electoral Equality today at Non-Partisan. The sentiment is admirable, but there are a couple of things that need to be cleared up before anyone jumps on the bandwagon here. Let’s look at his … Continue reading

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Future Amendment – Restore Federalism

The last of the four amendments I would like to see is actually an idea that is not ready for implementation. I would love to see the 17th amendment repealed – just like I would like to see the 16th … Continue reading

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Future Amendment – Representatives in the House

Not unrelated to the issue of whether the people of Washington D.C. should have a voting representative in the House is the issue of how the size of the House is set. Few people probably even consider that the number … Continue reading

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Future Amendment – Fiscal Discipline

I believe I have been very clear about what I think of the 16th Amendment. For anyone who wasn’t sure – I think it should go the way of the 18th Amendment and be repealed. Not long ago I found … Continue reading

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Future Amendment – D.C. Representation

Having read and processed all the documents upon which our Constitution was built as well the Constitution itself and each existing amendment along with other significant expressions of American political thought through our history I think I have established a … Continue reading

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Constitutional Amendment 27

I was fascinated when I learned that the 27th Amendment was included in the original proposal for the Bill of Rights. No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election … Continue reading

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Constitutional Amendment 26

Like the 15th and 19th amendments before it, the 26th Amendment is direct and to the point in extending the right to vote to a previously disenfranchised group. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years … Continue reading

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