Tag Archives: change congress

Federalist No. 58

I was tempted to not closely read Federalist No. 58 because I already knew that the assumptions it contained, however accurate they may have been in the 18th century had been rendered obsolete int he 20th century. For the first … Continue reading

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Two (or more) Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

I was listening to Peter Schiff’s Wall Street Unspun for this week and he said something that cemented a change of perspective I had been considering regarding the AIG bonuses. I had been thinking about this idea of taxing the … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 57

Federalist No. 57 contains a statement describing the proper goals of any constitution boiled down to two simple points: The aim of every political constitution is, or ought to be, first to obtain for rulers men who possess most wisdom … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 51

Of course the importance of checks and balances in our government is a well known concept as discussed in Federalist No. 51. What I had not previously realized was that splitting the Congress into two houses was a part of … Continue reading

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D-TV Switch

That would be D as in "Delay " not D as in digital. I have had the opportunity to drive to work for the last couple of days and have been listening to the radio as they discussed this issue. … Continue reading

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Orrin at the Bully Pulpit

As soon as I read the title, D.C. voting act is best way to ensure that Utah gets its 4th seat, I knew we were in for more misinformation. To then go to the article and find that it was … Continue reading

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Pursue a Real Solution

I have been staunchly opposed to this expansion of the House of Representatives to grant D.C. a voting representative. The political compromise of giving a balancing seat to the Republicans (for Utah) until the next census doesn’t make the move … Continue reading

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Expand Congress

I was very excited to be introduced to Thirty-Thousand.org. The first introduction on the site states an obvious fact: 435 can not faithfully represent 300,000,000 Americans. Our constitution designed the House of Representatives to represent the people of the United … Continue reading

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Reason To Be Anti-Incumbent

I found this little exchange to be insightful from Congressman Bishop: . . . the two 1st District candidates snapped at each other, with Bowen accusing Bishop of taking $26,000 in the past four months from the radioactive-waste-storage company. "I … Continue reading

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Government Gray Area

When the House voted down the bailout on Monday I was very surprised by the result, but I was not particularly surprised to hear that of the Representatives facing close re-elections, only two voted in favor of the bailout. This … Continue reading

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