Tag Archives: caucuses

Thoughts on Caucus System Reform

Curt Bentley has an excellent post in which he discusses the issue of reforming the caucus system. I really appreciate the methodical approach he has taken to examine the issue. I completely agree with each of his guiding principles and … Continue reading

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Strengthening Our Caucus System

Instead of sidestepping our caucus system we should strengthen it by keeping what it is good at (leveling the playing field for candidates) and improving where it is weak (disenfranchising less popular political positions). We can do that by changing the way delegates are chosen. Continue reading

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Please Don’t Vote

Voting is no panacea. If we don’t do the work that needs to be the foundation of voting it can do more harm than good. Continue reading

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New Year’s Resolution

My New Year’s resolution for this election year is to be elected as a GOP state delegate in my neighborhood caucus meeting in March. It’s amazing to think that it’s only a few weeks away now. I can’t wait to … Continue reading

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I had planned on participating in last night’s caucus meetings, but life intervened and I was not able to. That being said, I am still interested to learn what happened in those caucus meetings for my precinct (Lehi-08). I would … Continue reading

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Thoughts On Caucuses

The following snippet from a comment this morning (thanks Scott) really got me thinking. {Republican} Caucuses are the domain of grass roots Republicans. They are dominated by politically informed people that consider themselves conservatives. Primaries are far more open. One … Continue reading

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