Tag Archives: Cato

Individualism vs Collectivism

photo credit: 416style It seems that the churning within the GOP is a conflict at various levels between the forces of individualism and collectivism. There is the question of whether the party faithful should do what they think is best … Continue reading

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An Inside View on the Honduran Situation

It’s always nice to have my positions validated by someone with more inside information than I have. I just learned that Tegucigalpa Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga has taken the same position as I have expressed on every point of the … Continue reading

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Oath of Ignorance

I thought the following idea was laughable in light of something I heard recently: [Charles Tiefer, whom Congress appointed earlier this year to the new Commission on Wartime Contracting, which oversees Pentagon contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan] says, federal employees … Continue reading

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