Tag Archives: campaign promises

Strong National Defense for the American Dream

Regarding strong national defense in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz reminds us: The men and women serving in our armed forces are the best in the world. They can accomplish anything they are asked to do, if … Continue reading

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Accountability for the American Dream

As far as Accountability in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our sitation as: Americans have lost confidence in their elected leaders and the direction of the country as a whole. We are being governed by a … Continue reading

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Limited Government for the American Dream

On Limited Government in his Contract for the American Dream Congressman Chaffetz lists our situation as: The government is omnipresent in our lives, restricting our basic liberties. The proper role of government is a strictly limited one. We recognize that … Continue reading

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Fiscal Discipline for the American Dream

Congressman Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) has proposed a Congressional Action Plan (CAP) called the Contract for the American Dream which he is inviting members of Congress and candidates for Congress to sign. While I agree with his CAP generally I thought … Continue reading

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Legislator as Negotiator

Politics is the art of the possible. So said Otto Von Bismarck in 1867 and he was surely right. One of the challenges for an idealist is that compromise is a necessary and appropriate component of the political process. It … Continue reading

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Senator Jim DeMint on Term Limits

I started a discussion on term limits a couple of years ago on this site and between what I said then and what I have said on other sites I think my position on term limits is fairly clear – … Continue reading

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Legislator as Fundraiser

When it comes to raising money to run a campaign an ideal legislator needs to understand the real value of money in politics. They need to accept that a serious campaign will require more money than they can personally supply … Continue reading

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Holding Out Hope

Our President-elect ran a primary campaign on themes of hope and change – I liked the tone he set at that time. Once he had secured the Democratic party nomination he insisted that the Democratic party cease accepting money from … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton: Babysitter in Chief

Here is another gem from Laura. She came in to my office this afternoon and told me that she had just seen a bit of a speech by Senator Clinton. She thought it very important that I be aware that … Continue reading

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