Tag Archives: Bush

A Tale of Two Vice Presidents

photo credit: BlatantNews.com Once upon a time there was a young president who had campaigned on a platform of using the military more conservatively than his predecessor (who happened to be in the other party). During the campaign he had … Continue reading

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Our Broken Debate

The big question in the debate over torture right now is “who knew what and when did they know it?” That question is being used by Republicans right now to implicate Speaker Nancy Pelosi as having done nothing with what … Continue reading

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Obama’s First 100

Today is day number 100 for the Obama Administration. This has been a benchmark of measurement for every administration since FDR. There will be lots of stories in the political media attempting to measure how he is doing as a … Continue reading

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Half Truths

Regardless of what political agenda is being pushed I hate to see people speak or perpetuate half truths. I try very hard not to do that myself. Today I would like to tell the story of two half truths. The … Continue reading

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Define “Change”

I have come to the conclusion that I should not listen to national news – it just gets me agitated. I was driving home listening to NPR and was treated to actual soundbites from the rallying speech that President Obama … Continue reading

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Economics 101 (Bush Edition)

Wasn’t it so nice for our president to give the country a lesson in economics. He worked hard to reinforce the image of Washington knows best. Unfortunately his lesson left out a few details that are less than flattering for … Continue reading

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A Lame Duck Can Bite Harder

As illustrated by the current budget standoff, an unpopular lame duck president has powers that often elude presidents earlier in their tenure. Prior to 2006 Bush never vetoed anything. Now he has no re-election to worry about so he has … Continue reading

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The final gamble

The New York Times > Washington > News Analysis: Fresh Starts: One for Iraq, One for Bush Here it is, the final gamble on Iraq. What happens in the next couple of months will largely determine how Bush is viewed … Continue reading

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