Tag Archives: 2024

The right tone for Harris Supporters

I’ve been thinking about different ways of campaigning.  I’ve watched 8 presidential campaigns as an eligible voter and until 2016 none of them were dominated by fear and anger. We have learned in the last 8 years that fear, anger, … Continue reading

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A solid, down to earth running mate

Just like I didn’t start out hoping for Kamala Harris as the candidate I wasn’t rooting for Tim Walz as the running mate—I hadn’t even heard of him until late in the veepstakes. Before the selection I had concluded that … Continue reading

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A very fast shift

I was shocked with how quickly my perspective on Kamala Harris began to shift after Joe Biden dropped out. In the first day I forgave Biden for endorsing Harris as I recognized and began to appreciate the magnitude of the … Continue reading

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Where I’m coming from to support Harris

I’ve already been clear that I am supporting Harris in 2024 but before I explain the why and how of my support I thought it would be helpful to provide some context. In short, my support is not coming from … Continue reading

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Conservative for Harris

With only 13 weeks to go before the election much of what I say as I start sharing my thoughts online again will be to make the case for why Kamala Harris can win this election and why, from the … Continue reading

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