Category Archives: technology

Track Voting Records

The Voting Record plugin I mentioned last week is ready for an early release. You can download it here and give it a try. I have not added the function to allow users to search the votes yet, but the … Continue reading

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All is Well

It must be a really slow news day when the newspaper has to tell us something so basic as the fact that gays can’t get a marriage license in Utah. In other "news" the FEC would not allow me to … Continue reading

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Legal Notice – SB 208

I was going to post a summary of the meeting, but many other people have already done a good job of that (Holly, JM Bell, Jason, Bob, Joe). So far, it appears that only JM Bell and BenJoe have taken … Continue reading

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A Blogger Press Corps – of Sorts

I was just talking to Ric Cantrell about the Bloggerpresser that is taking place this afternoon at 4:00 in the senate building (it’s an open invitation – see his post for details on attending live or virtually). I want to … Continue reading

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Utah Waste Buster

File this under "technology experiments by public officials" but it seemed worth linking to Utah Waste Buster if for no other reason than the fact that my senator, Dan Liljenquist, is one of those who is behind this blog. While … Continue reading

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D-TV Switch

That would be D as in "Delay " not D as in digital. I have had the opportunity to drive to work for the last couple of days and have been listening to the radio as they discussed this issue. … Continue reading

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24 Hour News

James Fallows talks about what he calls the tyranny of technology – the way technology has changed news from having a daily news cycle, where organizations could take time to react and respond to news, to continuous coverage news where … Continue reading

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Devoid of Newspapers

I’m sure that everyone has read a few articles about the shrinking revenue and circulation of newspapers around the country (and the world I suspect). As an example, Real Clear Politics recently asked Is the Demise of Newspapers Preordained? The … Continue reading

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Progression of Transit

Hopefully the idea of growing into light rail does not come as a real surprise to anyone. {Darrell Cook}, executive director of Mountainland Association of Governments, said if the dedicated bus system linking Utah Valley University, Brigham Young University and … Continue reading

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Ambitious Pronouncement

I’ve already stated that I believe the goal of using only energy from clean, renewable sources is attainable but I think the Green Prophet might be getting ahead of himself. {Al Gore} said the goal of producing all of the … Continue reading

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