Category Archives: State

Public Office and Freedom of Expression

I could not begin to cover the latest situation with Chris Buttars but there is an important issue there. Everyone has a responsibility to refrain from yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater, but public officials have even more reason to … Continue reading

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Senator Bennett Breakfast

I went to the breakfast conversation with Senator Bennett in Bountiful this morning before work. Overall I have to say that I am more impressed with the senator after meeting him than before I had met him. Having said that, … Continue reading

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All is Well

It must be a really slow news day when the newspaper has to tell us something so basic as the fact that gays can’t get a marriage license in Utah. In other "news" the FEC would not allow me to … Continue reading

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Legal Notice – SB 208

I was going to post a summary of the meeting, but many other people have already done a good job of that (Holly, JM Bell, Jason, Bob, Joe). So far, it appears that only JM Bell and BenJoe have taken … Continue reading

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A Blogger Press Corps – of Sorts

I was just talking to Ric Cantrell about the Bloggerpresser that is taking place this afternoon at 4:00 in the senate building (it’s an open invitation – see his post for details on attending live or virtually). I want to … Continue reading

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Utah Waste Buster

File this under "technology experiments by public officials" but it seemed worth linking to Utah Waste Buster if for no other reason than the fact that my senator, Dan Liljenquist, is one of those who is behind this blog. While … Continue reading

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How Do They Do It?

Most of the our elected leaders in the state government come from the ranks of retirees, homemakers, business owners, lawyers, and other similar professionals who have a high degree of control over their own schedules. There are a few exceptions … Continue reading

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Meeting the Mayor

I was invited to a blogger breakfast this morning with Mayor Becker. After digesting the surprise and wondering how they decided who to invite (there were only 7 bloggers there) I was excited to see what it would be like. … Continue reading

Posted in life, State | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Legislative Guide

I just picked up a copy of The Utah State Legislative Guide for 2009. It has a bunch of information that most people never think about (like the seating assignments for the house and senate) and then some information that … Continue reading

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Daily Updates from Rep. Edwards

What an exciting promise from my state representative, Becky Edwards, she intends to blog every day of the session. We certainly have a lot of work ahead of us and I’ll be blogging each day of the session and sending … Continue reading

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