Category Archives: politics

Rejecting Amendment A

Let me start off by saying that Constitutional Amendment A does not have anything sinister or devious in it. In fact, there is very little in it to raise objections about. My primary objection is rooted in my position on … Continue reading

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Test the Candidates

When I talked to Kyle Roberts the other night I discussed how important communication was for me when I look at candidates and elected officials. It has been very exciting to see as Kyle has begun to implement some of … Continue reading

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Politics Goes Local

The Senate passed the bailout bill (that they had no business voting on) and with an added 315 pages of pork they might be exposing the real reason that the House did not pass it on Monday. All that extra … Continue reading

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Make “the Silent” a Minority

Recently my niece approached me to ask questions about politics. She’s a young teenager, years short of being able to vote, but she wants to become informed and involved so that she could positively participate by the time she can … Continue reading

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Government Gray Area

When the House voted down the bailout on Monday I was very surprised by the result, but I was not particularly surprised to hear that of the Representatives facing close re-elections, only two voted in favor of the bailout. This … Continue reading

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Amateur vs Professional

The financial amateurs in Congress have given us the 110 page text of their bailout plan which they will probably vote on today. It’s pretty much like the 102 page draft I wrote about on Saturday. They added the option … Continue reading

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A First Glance at the Bailout Bill

I don’t claim to have read the full 102 page text of the bailout draft proposal yet, but I wanted to share my first reactions after jumping around to some of the sections that caught my interest. Section 110 – … Continue reading

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Write In “No Confidence”

Somewhere in the news yesterday I heard that voters are beginning to like Sarah Palin less as they get to know more about her. I thought that was interesting since I heard basically the same thing said about Barack Obama … Continue reading

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Economics 101 (Bush Edition)

Wasn’t it so nice for our president to give the country a lesson in economics. He worked hard to reinforce the image of Washington knows best. Unfortunately his lesson left out a few details that are less than flattering for … Continue reading

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Everyone Should Read This

I’m not one to link and run, but sometimes there is really nothing to add. I think that everyone should read what Obi wan has to say about the bailout situation.

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