Category Archives: politics

A perfect endorsement

In the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law. As a result, … Continue reading

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Tim Walz: The Internet’s dad du jour

This captures why Tim Walz is an example of the man America needs right now: The meme-ification of Walz seems rooted in a longing for a type of masculinity that’s going extinct in America: the power of a cheerful, useful, … Continue reading

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How a good Republican lost my vote

{Spencer} Cox recently endorsed Donald Trump in the 2024 election, … Cox said he changed his position in the wake of the July 13 assassination attempt against Trump. Newsweek Aug 14, 2024 Over the years that Trump had been turning … Continue reading

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The right tone for Harris Supporters

I’ve been thinking about different ways of campaigning.  I’ve watched 8 presidential campaigns as an eligible voter and until 2016 none of them were dominated by fear and anger. We have learned in the last 8 years that fear, anger, … Continue reading

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A solid, down to earth running mate

Just like I didn’t start out hoping for Kamala Harris as the candidate I wasn’t rooting for Tim Walz as the running mate—I hadn’t even heard of him until late in the veepstakes. Before the selection I had concluded that … Continue reading

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A very fast shift

I was shocked with how quickly my perspective on Kamala Harris began to shift after Joe Biden dropped out. In the first day I forgave Biden for endorsing Harris as I recognized and began to appreciate the magnitude of the … Continue reading

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Where I’m coming from to support Harris

I’ve already been clear that I am supporting Harris in 2024 but before I explain the why and how of my support I thought it would be helpful to provide some context. In short, my support is not coming from … Continue reading

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Conservative for Harris

With only 13 weeks to go before the election much of what I say as I start sharing my thoughts online again will be to make the case for why Kamala Harris can win this election and why, from the … Continue reading

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Pre-Super Tuesday Revisions

Who knew that after posting on Friday I would need to update all three of my recent posts before we arrived at Super Tuesday. On my candidate ranking my top two candidates have dropped out. Additionally, while I had Michael … Continue reading

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An Age Problem

I’ve mentioned that I have a problem with the ages of most of the presidential candidates. Today a thought struck me that I think would put that problem in perspective. I realized that Elizabeth Warren – the third youngest legitimate … Continue reading

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