Category Archives: politics

The Healthcare Issue Simplified

DownsizeDC has a post entitled Complexity, Simplified that promises to make our national issue with health care reform understandable. And they deliver on that promise. They say more than this, but it all boils down to these few statements: But … Continue reading

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Why Bob Bennett?

I went to the organizing convention for the Utah Republican Party on Saturday. While I was there in the nidst of hundreds of people campaigning for candidates and causes among the state delegates I made a point to talk to … Continue reading

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Hate Crime

I keep thinking about the tragedy at the Holocaust Museum yesterday. I find it tragic and unfortunate that the security guard is the one who has died while the assailant is still alive. I have heard that authorities are considering … Continue reading

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Second Amendment Victory

My appreciation for the second amendment just went up another notch. Opponents of gun ownership rights like to argue that guns kill people (for that matter so do hands, cars, T-bone steaks, and many other things) but they never mentioned … Continue reading

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Banks Giving Back

While it is good news that 10 banks will be allowed to repay billions in bailout funds I would be much more excited if I didn’t already know what was likely to happen as a result. The banks were deemed … Continue reading

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Online Conservative Desert

I understand that it is a commonly held belief that the political left has more influence in online political activity than the political right. Now we have research by Richard Davis that sheds a bit of light on that. Davis … Continue reading

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Too Little Too Late

I was not sure whether to gag or chuckle when I heard the news that Senator Bennett wants to prevent the use of TARP money for the auto industry. To me that just sounds like he’s shutting the barn doors … Continue reading

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Change Done Right

With the news yesterday that New Hampshire passed a law to allow gay marriage I sincerely hope that the proponents of gay marriage may begin to see the right way to bring the change they seek – especially when put … Continue reading

Posted in culture, General, National | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

GM Surprise (or not)

Back at the end of March David Brooks made a prediction for GM in the New York Times that came due today. I have been waiting to check in on that. He started with this background of the situation as … Continue reading

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Constitutional Amendment VIII

Like the second amendment, the eighth Amendment leaves no room for exceptions. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. There are those who would argue that not all the rights in … Continue reading

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