Category Archives: National

A very fast shift

I was shocked with how quickly my perspective on Kamala Harris began to shift after Joe Biden dropped out. In the first day I forgave Biden for endorsing Harris as I recognized and began to appreciate the magnitude of the … Continue reading

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Where I’m coming from to support Harris

I’ve already been clear that I am supporting Harris in 2024 but before I explain the why and how of my support I thought it would be helpful to provide some context. In short, my support is not coming from … Continue reading

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Conservative for Harris

With only 13 weeks to go before the election much of what I say as I start sharing my thoughts online again will be to make the case for why Kamala Harris can win this election and why, from the … Continue reading

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Pre-Super Tuesday Revisions

Who knew that after posting on Friday I would need to update all three of my recent posts before we arrived at Super Tuesday. On my candidate ranking my top two candidates have dropped out. Additionally, while I had Michael … Continue reading

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An Age Problem

I’ve mentioned that I have a problem with the ages of most of the presidential candidates. Today a thought struck me that I think would put that problem in perspective. I realized that Elizabeth Warren – the third youngest legitimate … Continue reading

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Who can win?

For the second time today I need to get something published before an approaching deadline. This time it is my take on the chances that the various Democratic candidates have of getting the nomination. I want to make sure that … Continue reading

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2020 Candidates Ranked

I’ve been meaning to share my take on the 2020 candidates for some time now. It would be a water not to do so before Super Tuesday so I’ve put it off as long as possible already. At this point … Continue reading

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The pundits who cry wolf

We should all know what it means to “cry wolf” and while pundits across the political spectrum are prone to dong so, those on the liberal end of the spectrum should be kicking themselves right about now that because of … Continue reading

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Choosing a Third Party Candidate

If you are choosing a Third Party candidate to vote for, choose one who demonstrates the traits of a decent president. This year, choose Evan McMullin. Continue reading

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A Time for Contrition

Half an apology from a man who publicly declares a policy of no remorse in his life proves that he doesn’t understand the power of words and should not be entrusted with such a position of influence as he is seeking.

If he is “our best option” in the election then our society has bigger problems than who is sitting on the Supreme Court. Continue reading

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