Category Archives: meta

Reach Upward

I have been wanting to post some thoughts on Scott Hinrichs post Gross Incompetence? As I have come back to it, I realize that I could quote much of the same material he is quoting or I could thoroughly botch … Continue reading

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I am very interested in being an active participant in my community. Currently I am participating with a community group which has yet to name itsself. Members of the group should be getting an email soon from our group leader … Continue reading

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I’m guessing that it will be normal for me to post less often during the holidays. Hopefully 10 day breaks will not be normal. Besides the obvious Christmas festivities and work, I have been doing very good with my running … Continue reading

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Code for Old Blog Tools

I thought I would add the html code from some blog elements that I am putting away but which I may want to use again. Here is the html code for the election projections: <a href=””><img alt=”Click for” src=”” … Continue reading

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Political Polling

I have begun to wonder how people view presidential hopefuls before the heavy campaigning gets underway. To that end I have created a poll on my blog where people can vote for those people who have been identified as potential … Continue reading

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