Category Archives: life

An Example of Constituent Communication

Two months ago I wrote about my newly solidified position on why we should abolish earmarks. As part of that, I criticized Rep. Rob Bishop and his office for failing to even acknowledge two questions on the subject that I … Continue reading

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Campaign Week

I have spent months gathering information and studying candidates and issues as well as learning about my precinct since I didn’t live here until just after the caucus meetings two years ago. I have talked to a number of my … Continue reading

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Stuck in Limbo

The funny thing about expectations is that they can serve to motivate our actions. I had held an expectation for myself that I would write daily (or almost daily) on all weekdays. It was hard at times to find things … Continue reading

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Resetting Expectations

I have been profoundly disappointed in my lack of opportunity to write here lately (combined with a drastic scaling back in my ability to comment elsewhere or participate in other related activities). I am forced to admit that this situation … Continue reading

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“Whole Foods” Republican

photo credit: ilovemypit Nearly three years ago I publicly wondered where I fit politically. Since then I have solidly concluded that the Republican party is the best fit for me, but now I have found a term for my general … Continue reading

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Ensuring Personal Independence

Last week Charles D. left a short but challenging comment stating: I will be interested to read what steps you believe one can take to insure personal independence in the event of an economic collapse. Today I will attempt to … Continue reading

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Mike Lee and the Constitution

I have been having a hard time getting the time to read and write here as much as I would like. Things are very busy at work, a bit crazy at home, and I am spending more time with offline … Continue reading

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The Goal of My Political Activity

Last month, in response to a comment that: more often than not it seems the only choice we have in our candidates is a choice between horrible and horrible. I wrote back saying: That means that you need to get … Continue reading

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Independence Day Observations

I attended the Freedom Festival parade in Provo with my family on Saturday and I found it very interesting to watch. I was proud to notice that there seemed to be more people who actually knew what to do whent … Continue reading

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Inside Politics

When I read about the results of the Utah Democratic party chairman’s race I had an interesting thought pop into my head. (Although this article originally ran in the Salt Lake Tribune I am linking to a copy at UtahAmicus … Continue reading

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