Category Archives: General

When Will We See the Light

It is about time that we acknowledged the truth of what happens when Lobbyists have so much sway in our system of government. I don’t think there is anything else to say after what Mr. Lessig wrote. This is more … Continue reading

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First Right Step

This is the best statement of the current position of the democratic party that I have recently read. Getting Howard Dean as the head of the party is the best first step that the party could have taken. Dean has … Continue reading

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Soul Searching

This is the type of thing to expect from a party that is trying to find its place in American politics. The Democrats are starting to think about their stance on abortion as they search their souls to find ways … Continue reading

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Nugget of Truth

It is not often that I agree with Maureen Dowd more than grudgingly, but in her article about female interrogators torturing detainees in Iraq I found myself agreeing with her without reservation. She put the perfect perspective in one sentence: … Continue reading

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Courage of the Iraqis

To all appearances, today was a success in Iraq. As reported in the New York Times, the turnout in the Iraqi elections was solid – even exceeding expectations in some Sunni areas. David Anderson (another dead link from ISOU – … Continue reading

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How We All Win

I have been thinking about this and there has been speculation and anecdotal evidence but the first evidence I found regarding voter turnout came in USATODAY where we are shown the truth of how many people came out to vote … Continue reading

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The Beginnings of Unity

There are plenty of reactions out there that are bitter, angry, spiteful or haughty across the political spectrum. Here is a good example of a reasonable approach to creating healing and unity by focusing on now rather than dwelling on … Continue reading

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The final gamble

The New York Times > Washington > News Analysis: Fresh Starts: One for Iraq, One for Bush Here it is, the final gamble on Iraq. What happens in the next couple of months will largely determine how Bush is viewed … Continue reading

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