Category Archives: General

Victims of Party Politics

The news today that Mark Warner had decided against seeking to be the Democrats’ nominee for President in 2008 was proof of how we all suffer from politics that is driven by party affiliation rather than being driven by what … Continue reading

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Mutual Dependence

I found it very interesting to read the news story in Reuters about the whole Hugo Chavez address to the UN. What really got me thinking was this snippet: Despite accusing the United States of seeking to oust him, Chavez … Continue reading

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For Sale: Senate Seat

Election season is upon us and that means I get to be entertained by campaign politics, which seems like regular politics on steroids. As I was looking at some of the close races being covered by the New York Times … Continue reading

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Good News for the G.O.P.

While I was just catching up on the news, I came across an article in the New York Times declaring that the rank and file memebers of the G.O.P. are not following the dictates of Karl Rove. I think that’s … Continue reading

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Lunch with the President

No, that is not just a catchy header to get your attention. I really was invited to have lunch with the President this month. And yes, I mean the President of the United States. It came as a surprise at … Continue reading

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Well Stated

I stumbled onto Peonicus’ View of Politics the same day I started my new blog and I thought it would be a good excuse to post a reaction and test out my blog a little more. I was amazed to … Continue reading

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The Iraqi Constitution

I have been very interested to hear about the progress on the Iraqi constitution. Naturally most of the commentary was about how bad the constitution was and how it was a step backwards for the US. I keep hearing about … Continue reading

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Cabinet Shuffle

Normally I don’t link to things where I have nothing to add, but this seemed like a good exception to make. From the New York Times OpEd Replace the Surgeon General position with the position of America’s Nurse. Another reason … Continue reading

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No god but God

I have been trying to learn more about Islam in an effort to sort out the truth from the fiction that is reported in conjunction with the war on terror and other similar realities of our day. As a part … Continue reading

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More Daylight

What difference will more daylight savings make to those of us outside of Arizona? Not much that I can see. If the politicians want to pass this I don’t mind it. I would love to use more sunlight, but let’s … Continue reading

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