Category Archives: General

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is one of the most recognizable figures in American politics today. From a campaign standpoint that is generally a good thing. Hillary’s problem is that she is also one of the most divisive figures in American politics. She … Continue reading

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Duncan Hunter

Duncan Hunter would make a very credible president for our country. He has years of experience in government and the military. He seems to be very principled in his positions and I like his perspective on how to make our … Continue reading

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Joe Biden

Before I started learning about Joe and his presidential run he was just a name to me. As I studied him and his positions I found a candidate who has lots of experience in our national government. In his own … Continue reading

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Community Activism

I have been involved with a citizens group which is initially acting out of concern over some of the proposals for the Mountain View Corridor. We have met with representatives of UDOT to voice our concerns and today we received … Continue reading

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Still Behind

It’s been a month since I noted how far I was from keeping up with the presidential candidates. In that time I have investigated four of the six that were then in my queue. I still have Joe Biden and … Continue reading

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Christine Smith

Like all presidential candidates, there are areas where I agree and areas where I disagree with Christine Smith. That said, this was possibly the easiest evaluation I have had so far. With positions such as “Immediately withdraw all U.S. troops … Continue reading

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Sam Brownback

Sam Brownback is a candidate who leaves no confusion on where he stands. His positions are clear and basically independent of what is or is not popular. I believe that we need a person with strong convictions to lead our … Continue reading

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Candidate Announcements

This 2008 election is already shaping up to be a different animal from previous presidential elections as far as how campaigns are run and how the media is involved. Over at Oval Office 2008 comes the suggestion that a candidate … Continue reading

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Goodbye Tom

I have been so busy with work lately that I just barely looked at the news for the first time this week. I was disappointed to learn that Tom Vilsack has abandoned his bid for the presidency. Tom was the … Continue reading

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Chris Dodd

I would not consider myself to be as familiar with Chris Dodd as I am with a number of other candidates. That being said, his experience as a public official showed through very quickly as I started learning about him. … Continue reading

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