Category Archives: General

Federalist No. 49

Federalist No. 49 really surprised me. The topic is keeping the proper balance of powers in check through the use of constitutional conventions when the balance of powers were out of bounds. I expected a favorable opinion from the paper. … Continue reading

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Bad Journalistic Habits

James Fallows offers a list of habits in the world of journalism that impede the ability of reporters and news organizations to offer the socially beneficial coverage that they should be publishing. Although he lists 12 habits, they can really … Continue reading

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What Journalism Could Offer

James Fallows offers a list of benefits that the journalist has the potential to offer consumers. I would like to share his list and see if there anything he left out of the list. Perspective – reporters and editors are … Continue reading

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Where Constitutional Rubber Meets the Republican Road

Peter Berkowitz makes it sound so easy to come to a consensus on the way forward for the GOP by adhereing to the Constitution. In theory it sounds simple enough to apply the test of whether an idea fits within … Continue reading

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The Revolution

After the primary season and the surprises from the Ron Paul campaign I have wanted to read his book, The Revolution – A Manifesto, for quite some time. I had to wait or quite a while before it became available … Continue reading

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Federalist Nos. 41 – 43

These papers by Madison cover topics that had previously been addressed by Hamilton in Federalist Nos. 24 – 28, and 30 – 36 (covered here, here, and here). Federalist No. 41 focuses primarily on the issue of standing armies, Federalist … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 40

It is only very recently that I heard someone express the sentiment that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 exceeded their authority in the Constitution they proposed. I was therefore more interested in reading Federalist No. 40 which addresses this exact … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 38

It was very interesting to read in Federalist No. 38 that one primary difference between this Constitution and the constitutions of Greece and Athens (among other examples) is that this one was developed by a group instead of being drawn … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 37

I really enjoyed Federalist No. 37, it was very interesting to have a paper which began to examine the process of creating the proposed Constitution as opposed to simply looking at the provisions of the Constitution itself. As it specifically … Continue reading

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Federalist Nos. 30 – 36

Federalist 30 Money is, with propriety, considered as the vital principle of the body politic; as that which sustains its life and motion, and enables it to perform its most essential functions. A complete power, therefore, to procure a regular … Continue reading

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