Category Archives: culture

Political Action vs Reaction

It’s tax day and I doubt anybody who reads this has not heard in advance about the many "Tea Party" events that have been planned around the country for today. Ive been hearing about them from various sources for months … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 67

In Federalist No. 67 Hamilton is clearly upset at those who oppose the proposed Constitution because of their outrageous misrepresentation of the content of the Constitution in relation to the office of President. As I read the example of misrepresentation … Continue reading

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Most people have probably heard of the two basic classes of vision problems, far-sightedness and near-sightedness. For those who are not clear on the differences, far-sightedness is characterized by the eye being able to focus on objects at a distance … Continue reading

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An Unlikely Headline

Public awaits First Dog news with bated breath declares the Houston Chronicle. I’m thinking that’s not accurate. At best its a gross exaggeration. The truth is that every day is a slow news day so there are reporters awaiting news … Continue reading

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What Should We Do About It?

Recently someone shared The Obama Deception with me (and others) asking for feedback. Normally I would not take two hours to watch such a video because these efforts rarely shed any real light on their subjects. Mostly, they just generate … Continue reading

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Federalist Nos. 62 – 63

Federalist Papers 62 and 63 begin examining the Senate, just as the House has been examined in recent papers. I was quickly surprised to find this gem: So far the equality ought to be no less acceptable to the large … Continue reading

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“Our Hands Are Tied”

Despite rumors to the contrary, this country is still based on the rule of law – especially when the law favors a guy who has a "bonus" in excess of $6 Million dollars coming to him. By now almost everybody … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 51

Of course the importance of checks and balances in our government is a well known concept as discussed in Federalist No. 51. What I had not previously realized was that splitting the Congress into two houses was a part of … Continue reading

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D-TV Switch

That would be D as in "Delay " not D as in digital. I have had the opportunity to drive to work for the last couple of days and have been listening to the radio as they discussed this issue. … Continue reading

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Disturbing Trend

I want to be supportive of our President. I just want to make that clear because I don’t expect this post will convey that feeling. I’m sure part of it is the spirit of partisanship, and part of it is … Continue reading

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