Category Archives: culture

Multi-Dimensional Political Perspectives

photo credit: mkandlez Jane Hamsher wrote about the 11 Dimensional Chess approach to health care legislation that the Obama administration tried. That sent me back to some earlier thoughts I had shared about how we visualize the political spectrum. The … Continue reading

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Change I Could Believe In

photo credit: jasoneppink Back in October I wrote about the dangers of a crisis mentality and tried to show that the abuse of crisis was not a one-party trait. I see that Will Wilkinson did a better job of showing … Continue reading

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Defined Benefit Pensions: A Failed Experiment

photo credit: After the town hall meeting I attended on Wednesday I have been thinking about pension plans generally. The state of Utah is looking at changing their pension offerings for new employees to save the state from future … Continue reading

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How Do You Solve a Problem Like Haiti?

photo credit: United Nations Development Programme These days everybody wants to help the poor people of Haiti – and that’s obviously a good thing but when I think about Haiti it makes me wonder what the proper course of action … Continue reading

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Roll Your Own . . .

photo credit: She Who Shall Not Be Named When I wrote about the importance of investing in yourself I was having trouble trying to find the words to convey what I meant. I finally found a way to explain what … Continue reading

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Missing the Boat

In a comment over at KVNU’s For The People blog Craig concluded that if I was right in my position about health care it would mean that basically everyone had been missing the boat on this issue. My response to … Continue reading

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Medical Cultures

[quote]I have called David Goldhill’s How American Health Care Killed My Father a must-read for anyone who wants to speak up in the health care debate. The New Yorker also has a must-read article on the issue called The Cost … Continue reading

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What Are Your Fundamental Assumptions?

photo credit: quarksteilchen In the midst of a recent comment the author revealed a fundamental assumption that he and I don’t share that clearly explains why we have differing views on government: Federal mandates are about the only power the … Continue reading

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A Fundamental Difference Between Conservatives and Progressives

photo credit: Marcin Porwit Late in October a comment by Jason sparked my brain to recognize a subtle but fundamental difference between conservatives and progressives. Perhaps it should have been obvious simply by comparing the definitions for “conservative” and “progressive” … Continue reading

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Political Cultures

photo credit: There are two political cultures that we need to change in order to have a healthy “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” in this country. The first is the culture among the … Continue reading

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