Category Archives: culture

Living a Statistical Anomaly

It seems that our more recent history (the last 50 years) has clouded our perceptions of immigration, integration, and what it means to be an American. Though we still talk about our nation being a melting pot, we seem to … Continue reading

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Don’t Toss the Tolling Option

Herriman is hardly alone in opposing freeway tolls. The most prominent reason they give is wholly predictable – and it is reasonable: The two-page Herriman statement said the council supports the corridor project, but believes tolls would create a financial … Continue reading

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One Good Decision

I would not try to claim that one good decision can negate a series of very bad choices, but I think that Michael Rodriguez deserves to be acknowledged for his choice to skip an endless series of appeals. Instead he … Continue reading

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What Do You Expect?

What started as a post about Equality Before the Law grew into a discussion about the role of government in helping our fellow men. That eventually spun of into a discussion about how we can or should mix religion and … Continue reading

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Taking a Long View

Aside from my interested in transit and my general appreciation for the possibilities of Utah County, I did not expect that I would have much to gain from FrontRunner South now that I have moved North. When I read about … Continue reading

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Equal Before the Law

In Sunday school today we were talking, among other things, about the freedom of conscience that was protected under Nephite law. The teacher (I can’t remember his name since it was our first week in a new ward) made the … Continue reading

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We Are Not Doing Enough

In answer to Lyall’s question – “Are we doing enough?” In fact, Lyall answered his own question by saying: I remember three US history classes in school . . . Not one of them came close to teaching me about … Continue reading

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Who Are You Voting Against?

I really wish I could find the article I glanced at yesterday postulating that the presidential race is not looking like a blowout for Obama because the contest has been framed as a referendum on Obama rather than a referendum … Continue reading

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Established Patterns

After a week on vacation it is nice to have a bit of a fresh perspective on life. We are entering a month where we have to close on our old house in Lehi and our new house in Bountiful … Continue reading

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Progression of Transit

Hopefully the idea of growing into light rail does not come as a real surprise to anyone. {Darrell Cook}, executive director of Mountainland Association of Governments, said if the dedicated bus system linking Utah Valley University, Brigham Young University and … Continue reading

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