Category Archives: culture

Legislated Equality

I have been thinking about the “equality” that we equate with the American dream – the one that we want our government to guarantee for us. This has lead me to consider the difference between equality of opportunity and equality … Continue reading

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An Illegal Constitutional Revision?

Gay-rights advocates in California think that everyone else is an imbecile. They have decided to file a lawsuit claiming that Proposition 8 is "an illegal constitutional revision — not a more limited amendment." They expect that nobody will recognize that … Continue reading

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Financial Foundations Exposed

News reports related to the fluxuations of the stock market are not surprising or inconsistent, but when I stop to consider what they say I find that they are either disturbing or based on faulty assumptions. This holds true whether … Continue reading

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Like Sheep . . .

I have been noticing the various political yard signs popping up as we approach the general election and based on what I have seen I am beginning to think that in Utah, the most politically active non-candidates are almost universally … Continue reading

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Make “the Silent” a Minority

Recently my niece approached me to ask questions about politics. She’s a young teenager, years short of being able to vote, but she wants to become informed and involved so that she could positively participate by the time she can … Continue reading

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Something for Nothing

As I have been thinking and reading about the credit crisis my mind has been chewing on the idea that there are two very different kinds of investing. One is the kind of investing where you put in an initial … Continue reading

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Put in the Effort

Maybe I’m just reacting to the tone of the article suggesting that Twitter is taking the place of blogging among elected officials in Utah (and elsewhere) but this quote by Ric Cantrell says it all: ”Maybe this is a sign … Continue reading

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Curbing Innovation

When talking about a $700 Billion intervention it only makes sense that taxpayers and members of Congress would want that money to go where it’s needed rather than to propping up salaries of $50 Million/year to executives of failing companies. … Continue reading

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And Now For Some Good News . . .

I’m sure there are many who would not see this as good news, but when I read about contracting credit in the lives of everyday people I was thrilled. Because I expect that many people would not share my positive … Continue reading

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Something’s in the Air

Some of the people I work with like to dabble in trading stocks. They keep tabs on the stock market and they like to talk about their experiences. Through all the turmoil of the last few months their comments have … Continue reading

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