Reforming Caucus Meetings

I’m sure I’ll have a number of posts trying to define what needs to be reformed and how to reform those things but I’d like to start a list of the things that need to be addressed as I see it in the immediate aftermath of the meeting this week.

  • We need to accomodate the crowds better.
  • Some informality is nice but there must be some clarity about how things are supposed to work – especially for people who have never attended before.
  • Two hours is not long enough to deal with such an important task. People need to get prepared in advance so that they do not end up ignoring or passing over issues of importance.
  • One issue or one race should not dominate the decisions that will decide who is in power for two years.

I recognize that this list could expand but as you can see there are issues that should be dealt with by the community, the party, and individuals. I plan to take action on all those fronts. In fact I have already started trying to ensure that there is an ongoing forum for political thought and discussion within our precinct so that we can stay informed rather than simply brushing up on the issues in the days before the meeting and more importantly so that we can have an idea of where we stand relative to others in our precinct.

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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