Banks Giving Back

While it is good news that 10 banks will be allowed to repay billions in bailout funds I would be much more excited if I didn’t already know what was likely to happen as a result.

The banks were deemed strong enough to leave the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, after months of lobbying and strong performances on recent stress tests. The banks are expected to return about $68.3 billion to the Treasury Department, more than double the administration’s initial estimate of about $25 billion in funds to be returned this year. The timetable is also earlier than government officials originally intended.

. . .

The $68.3 billion represents about a quarter of the TARP money given to banks.

That last figure tells me that we still have over $200 billion illegally given by our government to our banking system.

My lack of enthusiasm for this news comes from two concerns. First, the administration will use this news as evidence that the bailouts are working better/faster than expected. The truth is that the banks have been working furiously to find a way to get rid of that money ever since they read the regulations that came with it. Second, having that money will be used as a way to help fund other illegal activities by the federal government such as propping up the UAW by buying GM (the money being returned covers everything we’ve put into GM so far) and even worse than that is the possibility that some smart government people might take the news as an excuse to say, “hey, we have $68 billion more than we expected,” and then go on to fund another $58 billion in projects that they did not dare to fund previously. That’s like buying a $500 LCD monitor when you can only afford $100 and then buying an $80 printer when the $100 rebate arrives early.

So the banks are giving back more and earlier – that’s good for them (and “good for them” is what they are paid to do) but that does not mean there’s a chance that the government will start giving back or being financially responsible in any way.

Update @1:20pm: Here are a few words from the president today confirming my claim that the administration would use this to show that the bailouts are working better than planned:

Several financial institutions are set to pay back $68 billion to taxpayers. And while we know that we will not escape the worst financial crisis in decades without some losses to taxpayers, it’s worth noting that in the first round of repayments from these companies the government has actually turned a profit.

. . . We’re restoring funds to the Treasury where they’ll be available to safeguard against continuing risks to financial stability. And as this money is returned, we’ll see our national debt lessened by $68 billion — billions of dollars that this generation will not have to borrow and future generations will not have to repay.

He says that the money is being returned to the treasury, but I’m confident it will find a way to sneak out again like a good rebellious teenager despite the president’s best efforts to keep it at home where it belongs. 😉

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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5 Responses to Banks Giving Back

  1. Bill says:

    CNNMoney stated that at least a portion of the money will be used to pay down governement borrowings. Although “A portion” can mean anything, and probably means somewhere near $1 Billion, the truly fearful part is that the $68 Billion is to go into the “General Fund”. The General fund is the Government’s Slush fund. Its not earmarked for anything. Its the “Just in case” fund. (At least that is what it is for the Federal Government). So, yeah, it could be used for another pet project.

    However, watch the stock market. People aren’t happy… They’re just not happy. They weren’t happy when TARP passed, they weren’t happy when an additional $700 Billion was authorized, and they’re not happy with the returned funds.

    Obama likes popularity. He and Geitner are as connected as they get. Obama will push for something popular to happen with this money. He has to maintain the confidence of the nation. I’m betting that about 50% of the money will be used to pay down debt. Then I’m guess the the other half will be squandered on Ford; to “Help”. (If not Ford, then some other sucker.)

    But, the regulators will now have to find a way to let BAC and C compete against their rivals, or their failure will reflect on regulators. So, to my view, this isn’t all bad.

    Honestly, the money was gone as soon as it was signed into law. We’ll be paying for it one way or another over the long haul. So, if we’ve only moved one step closer to democracy (or a step futher away from socializing banks), then we should be happy with the baby step.

    • David says:

      If Obama is scared into using $30 billion to pay down on his $1.8 trillion deficit (leaving a measily $1.797 trillion in overspending this year) then I would be very happy for portion of the returned money. Anything that is not “spent” on paying down debt is a wash at best.

      As for Ford getting money – it won’t happen. Ford has not taken a dime in bailout money and after seeing how much people dislike the bailouts and the bankruptcies of Chrysler and GM they are going to keep their distance from that money. Funny that they have not needed a bailout while living in the exact same economy as GM for at least as long as GM. The real question is, will Ford ever buy the remnant that GM becomes?

      • Bill says:

        Obama loves token actions. Didn’t you hear that he came through and cut spending by around $170 million!!! (All of which he intends to use for Pell Grants). Any token looks good… At least.

        So, I fully believe he’ll make another token payment to debt for popularity. Its measly, its pathetic, but its something.

        I realize that Ford probably wouldn’t come close to the money, that’s why I had to add “If not Ford, then some other sucker”. Somebody will get the money, maybe it will go into more “Green Energy” incetives… Maybe it will go to Pell Grants, or inner city education programs.

        Obama loves all these worthy causes, the only problem is that they are the responsibilty of the STATES not the Feds.

        • David says:

          I agree on Obama’s love of all things token – that’s why I said I would be pleased if $30 billion went to paying down debt – nearly 50% of the recouped money is a big token by Obama standards.

          I think green jobs are a prime candidate for all this “extra” cash.

  2. Scott Miller says:

    David you are right on all the accounts. The banks were smart enought to go get the money to ensure their capital requirements were safe without having to dilute existing shareholders. Once they realized that they would be micro-managed by the incompetents in Washington (remember, most of the regulators are the people who could not get jobs in the real world). So, now the money will go back to Treasury to be used to continue financing the Obama Motor Car Company that will produce more cars that are not wanted and thus ensuring that UAW workers will get their payback for their votes. When the remaining banks return the remaining funds, Congress will naturally assume that as long as the funds are available they might as well just pass it on to more non-productive bureaucrats in the new ObamaCare health system. Anything left over will then be used to finance Hamas and Iranian diplomacy. There may be a glimmer of hope with the Supreme Court–if they stand up to the Emperor.

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