An Unlikely Headline

Public awaits First Dog news with bated breath declares the Houston Chronicle. I’m thinking that’s not accurate. At best its a gross exaggeration. The truth is that every day is a slow news day so there are reporters awaiting news of the First Dog with bated breath.

Maybe they should be reminded that if they are waiting for news like that with bated breath they no longer belong to the public.

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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8 Responses to An Unlikely Headline

  1. Barbara says:

    Our country would be greatly improved if, in place of reporters, we once again had journalist and, in place of politicans, we had statesmen. That is the kind of “change” I would like to see.

  2. Reach Upward says:

    I had a friend that once had a dog whose breath smelled like bait. I don’t know why anyone would be anxiously awaiting news of that nature. 🙂

  3. David says:

    Yes, I’ll bet that even the Obama’s daughters are not anxious for a dog with that kind of breath. 😛

  4. Carl says:

    Is this really the first dog? I’ve seen lots of dogs before this one. Maybe it’s the first cloned dog. Or the first talking dog. Or maybe it’s the first new story about a dog.

    Other issues, is this dog entitled to Secret Service protection? What if it has to be euthanized? Would the vet put in jail for assassination?

    No, no good can come of this.

    • David says:

      This is not even the first time that a First Family has had a dog – I think the only first here is that this is the first time that the family acquired the dog after taking residence in the White House – in other words, this is the first time that the press has had the privilege of waiting with bated breath over a family’s selection of a canine companion.

      If he has Secret Service protection it’s sure to be a K9 unit and if Bo ever has to be put down I would hate to be the vet in such a quandary.

  5. Carl says:

    I read a comment on the link you posted where the person had a dog with baited breath (too much time fishing apparently). He said a doggy treat cleared it right up. Maybe Mr. Obama could give the media a doggy treat for behaving so well.

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