I have been wanting to get a more suitable domain for my site for some time and I have been wanting to do some less political writing (family journal type) at davidjmiller.org. I finally took the plunge and purchased pursuitofliberty.net (I’m looking into getting pursuitofliberty.com, but while the current owner mulls multiple offers I decided to move ahead with something). I am leaving all the old posts on the previous domain, but that will start to be updated less frequently and less politically. I have imported all the posts of any political nature here and will continue to write politically as I have been doing – minus the really non-political stuff.
There are a few plugin glitches to work out (no classic posts listed at the moment) and I have removed the “politics” category since everything here is politics to one degree or another. I hope that everyone can make the transition smoothly with me so that all the great comments keep coming.
Sorry man, but you need to find a way to make the address bar present the name in all caps or something. It looks like the address is:
“pursu it to fliberty”.
For some reason the phrase, “to fliberty” makes me laugh.
Do you think that “pursuit-of-liberty.com” would be as easy to remember? (It’s more readable, but I wonder if people would dislike the hyphens.)