What can a nobody do?

Here I am in Utah supporting Kamala Harris and wondering “what can I do?”

I don’t have enough money to make a donation worth anything and being in Utah I’m realistic enough to know that if Harris can win Utah we’re looking at a Bush 1988 race at least (426-111) if not a Reagan 1980 race (489-49) so winning my state is a pipe dream, not my realistic goal.

My conclusion is that I will make sure to spend some time each week reaching out to tell why I support Harris and encouraging others to support Harris as well. Every little voice counts.


About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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11 Responses to What can a nobody do?

  1. Risotto says:

    @david @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews you'll be okay, even $5 helps.

    and making Utah more blue is pretty neat. even if it doesn't flip, if it chips away from trump in the share of Utah that says a message.

    • David says:

      That’s a good point. Margins matter even if they don’t make a difference in the Electoral College result.

  2. Rob Carlson says:

    @david @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews Reach out to the PA Dems and volunteer to do some phone banking

  3. Martijn Vos says:


    Every little voice definitely counts. Even if Utah can’t be won, it can still help if people know a lot of people there do support Harris. It might slow down Utah politicians from sabotaging her policies.

    And you never know: maybe Utah can be won.

    • @mcv @david and also you make the other people who would like to vote liberal feel like it’s a normal ok thing to do….

      • David says:

        That’s one of the important things I would like to do is help others around here feel like supporting Harris is normal even in Utah.

        I know there are people here who are drawn to moving on from Trump but don’t feel comfortable being public about that because they assume they are far outnumbered by solid Trump voters.

    • kflanagan says:

      @mcv @david Same here in NC, even though we are in play. I know it's possible because the GQP has been carpet bombing us with mailers. A Dem precinct officer and a consistent Dem voter in the house, and we got 2 mailers last week.

  4. Factress says:

    @david @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews check out @indivisible's NeighborToNeighbor action. It generates a list of likely #Dem voters in your area and gives you a script to use when knocking on their door to encourage them to vote. Down ballot local races can be won and they are the foundation of shifting the electorate. Thank you for all you're doing! https://www.majorityovermaga.org/neighbor2neighbor

  5. @david @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews full of admiration for your commitment and not giving up!

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