Several months ago I decided to craft what I would consider to be an ideal platform for a presidential candidate in 2028. It was much too late to do it for 2024. My idea was to both articulate my ideal platform and use it as a measuring stick to evaluate the presidential candidates we’ll start seeing in 24 months.
I postponed working on it until now because I wanted to devote what limited political capacity I had to promoting a presidential candidate who actually believes in the Constitution of the United States. Her loss makes it that much more apparent that we need to start from the ground to build a winning platform without reference to the past platforms of any party or candidate.
I’m hoping that in this process of articulating what I think the platform should include there will be people to push back, hone my thinking—and maybe even change my mind about some of it—until we arrive at a platform that would lead America forward toward being the shining city on a hill that it was always meant to be.
The fact that voters elected someone who openly disregards the rule of law and grounds himself in a universe where truth and fiction are indistinguishable from each other is not a reason to give up on the idea that we the people can “form a more perfect union, (re)establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”