Monthly Archives: May 2013

Strengthening Our Caucus System

Instead of sidestepping our caucus system we should strengthen it by keeping what it is good at (leveling the playing field for candidates) and improving where it is weak (disenfranchising less popular political positions). We can do that by changing the way delegates are chosen. Continue reading

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Causes and Symptoms

There are still times when doctors are limited to treating symptoms but generally in modern times our doctors seek to treat the underlying cause of a problem rather than the symptoms. We need to do more of that in the healthcare industry – especially as it relates to our most pressing chronic condition in the industry: uncontrolled costs. Continue reading

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Why John Swallow Should Resign Even If He Did Nothing Illegal

John Swallow should resign despite the assumption that he is innocent because 1) he has displayed very poor judgement, and 2) the investigations against him dilute the effectiveness of the entire Attorney General’s office. It is abundantly clear that regardless of his innocence or guilt the people of Utah would be better off with a new Attorney General. Continue reading

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