Monthly Archives: January 2013

Unfounded Assumptions on Gun Control

In order to have a productive discussion on gun control it is necessary that the participants expose and understand each other’s underlying assumptions on the topic. Continue reading

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Restriction vs Empowerment

Photo by Tony Young My 6-year-old son frequently wants to use sharp knives and it is not uncommon for him to get them out of a drawer unsupervised when he has a task that he believes would be served by … Continue reading

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Saving Social Security

When I heard Doug Wright say that he was incensed to hear someone characterize Social Security as charity it got me wondering – maybe it would be a good thing if social security were set up more like a charity so that we did not make it available to people who had sufficient assets to support themselves. Continue reading

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The Scary Flu Monster

I won’t argue that the flu vaccine is not worth getting but I am confident that it is not effective or important enough to mandate it for the general population. Continue reading

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