Constitutional Amendment III

Amendment III is very straightforward and needs no explanation:

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

It does remind me however that we are very fortunate as a nation to have never had a war upon our own soil in living memory. As I think about that I am reminded that we should not allow our cold wars and our wars on terror to be used as excuses to infringe upon this right or any other right that has been guaranteed under our Constitution. It also reminds me that we need to be much more selective in the foreign wars we choose to engage in.

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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3 Responses to Constitutional Amendment III

  1. Laura Miller says:

    I think that is a very good rule of thumb. We should, in other nations and with other people, observe the same rules we would keep in our own backyard.

    Oh, wait, I guess that sounds like something else I’ve heard . . . “Do unto others . . .”

    • David says:

      If course “do unto others” might be seen to violate the mythical “separation of church and state” that fails to appear anywhere in our Constitution or its amendments. 😉

  2. Laura Miller says:

    Maybe it should 😉

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