All Things to All People

In a classic case of Federal-sightedness, President Obama is stepping in to mediate an altercation between a black professor and a white police officer. Normally I would be disappointed that the President had nothing better to do but lately I have had more of a mindset where this makes me happy – in fact, I almost wish that we would have more incidents like this to keep Obama too busy to keep prodding Congress to rush through an ill-conceived health care boondoggle (or “blob of legislative goo” if you prefer).

For the sake of variety we might throw in cases of black police officers having altercations with white professors, or inserting other “oppressed” minority groups into the formula so that the President can meet with people from a wide variety of backgrounds – especially those who don’t live in Washington D.C.

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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5 Responses to All Things to All People

  1. Scott Miller says:

    But now that President Obama has cured racism with a beer summit, we now can take comfort he will cure the nuclear threat by throwing down a couple of Red Stripes with Ahmadinejad and Kim Jung Il.

  2. David says:

    I still think that he should solve a lot more mundane problems with beer summits so that he has less time to inflict some of his more expensive solutions on the nation.

  3. Scott Miller says:

    At next year's State of the Union, his report will be: Year 1, I bankrupt a country, this year I plan on selling it to China. Any questions? No, okay let's get to work.

  4. Bill Miller says:

    Realistically Obama's State of the Union address will say "We have staved off the recession, now we will work to improve the lives of the American people by working on better fiscal policy"The actaul meaning is what Scott said, "Sell the country to China and throw the nation back into recession. My Year 3 plan is to move the Country's capital to Tehran, admit that I'm not a natural born citizen of the U.S. and take amnisty in Russia."

  5. Bill Miller says:

    One other Note, Obama did need to step in to the issue between the officer and the professor because he is the one who uninformidly said the police had "acted stupidly". He had to do something to try to repair the damage he had done.Interesteing that the officer continues to be open minded and willing to use this incident to further conversations about racial equality while day by day it be come more apparent that the officer acted appropriately and without racial bias, while the professor appears more and more ot have a racial agenda to further and that the professor was in fact the one to make this a racial issue in the beginning.No wonder Obama and the professor are friends. Their both busy playing the "Black" card

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