Monthly Archives: December 2009

Public to Private is a One Way Economic Street

photo credit: taberandrew A post entitled The New Robber Barons got me thinking about what happens when public and private enterprises compete in a marketplace. Thinking about that led to some interesting observations. The first of which is that progressives … Continue reading

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Term Limits in a Nutshell

I read what must be the most succinct summary of the term limit debate over at Utah Policy. LaVarr Webb said: I am a big fan of congressional term limits if they are applied across the board. It would be … Continue reading

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A Bit Late But Welcome to 1984

I wanted to gag this morning when I heard the suggestion on the Wall Street Journal This Morning that those who needed health care had the option to go on the internet to purchase it. Since when was Viagra, or … Continue reading

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A Real Christmas Gift

President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and other congressional leaders among the Democrats hailed the passage of the Senate health “reform” bill as a Christmas gift to the American people. That’s about the equivalent of trying to convince the chief … Continue reading

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Reid Has a Moment of Sanity

I was very surprised when reading about the results of the Senate vote on health care. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., initially cast a “no” vote. The explanation we are given is that he was exhausted – which makes … Continue reading

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It’s Not Too Late to Change Your Mind

Conservatives, for right reasons and wrong reasons, are united in opposition to the current health care reform legislation. Unfortunately many liberals are falling into the trap of “stand by our guys” that already landed us in NCLB, Medicare Part D, … Continue reading

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Harry Reid the Insomniac

“Senator” Reid must suffer from insomnia to schedule a vote at 1:00 AM on a Monday to torture his fellow members of the Senate as they vote on a bill to torture their constituents throughout America. That is how Harry … Continue reading

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GOP Sheep with No Shepherd

Yet Another Fire Dog Lake post led me to this Progressive Change Campaign Committee poll. My interest in the poll focused on the results of two questions: Would you favor or oppose a health care bill that does NOT include … Continue reading

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Missing the Boat

In a comment over at KVNU’s For The People blog Craig concluded that if I was right in my position about health care it would mean that basically everyone had been missing the boat on this issue. My response to … Continue reading

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No Public Option, No Mandate

Over at Fire Dog Lake, Jon Walker challenges those with the “we can fix it later” mentality (which may or may not include enough senators to pass this bill) to hold the individual mandate out of the bill as a … Continue reading

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