Three out of Four (ain’t bad)

What’s the point of having your own blog if you can’t toot your own horn occasionally? So this may be two weeks old, but I’m bored so I’ll share.

At BlueOregon there have been a few "Punditology challenges" where they invite their readers to predict what will happen in the political world (for example, what candidates will still be in the race after Super Tuesday and when will each candidate drop out – for both parties). I’ve only participated twice but I did pretty well on the Veepstakes Punditology Challenge which invited people to predict who the VP candidates would be and what dates they would be announced. Out of 268 participants:

Biden was the fourth most-popular prediction, with only 25 correct punditologists. Of those 25, just one person correctly picked the right date, August 23rd: David Miller. . .

Palin was a true surprise – with just one person correctly making that selection: Tony McCown, though he was off by two days on the timing. . .

Honorable mention goes to the three people that correctly picked the right announcement dates for BOTH Obama and McCain: David Miller, Mike Linman, and (sheepish grin) yours truly.

So I was the only person to get the date and running mate correct on the Democratic side and one of only 3 people to correctly name both announcement dates. It is interesting to note that almost 15% of the people participating named the correct date for the McCain VP announcement – many more than picked any other date. I guess the news-cycle implications were fairly obvious.

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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