
Let me just start out by saying that I have no problem with Randy Horiuchi running for re-election, nor with his campaign slogan that "He’s got game." That being said, the image of him in hockey gear with the caption "He’s got game (for hockey moms)" has left me with an itch that I just have to scratch.

This struck me as politics at its most senseless (like most of the presidential campaign so far). I see only three possible reasons why he would need to specify hockey moms in his ad:

  1. He’s secretly running for the vice presidency.
  2. The nation’s most famous Hockey Mom is secretly running for Salt Lake County Council.
  3. Hockey moms are an influential constituency in Salt Lake County politics.

Could someone please help me know which of these is the case (or if there is another reason that I have missed)?

About David

David is the father of 8 children. When he's not busy with that full time occupation he works as a technology professional. He enjoys discussing big issues with informed people, cooking, gardening, vexillology (flag design), and tinkering.
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2 Responses to Smallitics

  1. jasonthe says:

    Senseless is a good choice of words.

    Especially with the Grizzlies’ performance so far this season. 🙂

  2. David says:

    Silly me, I forgot that we even had a professional hockey team in Utah.

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