Monthly Archives: October 2008

Polly Tribe for Davis School Board

I have not really paid much attention to the race for Davis County School board but I was reviewing my ballot to make sure I had looked into each race I will be voting on and realized that I had … Continue reading

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Proposition 8

I have stayed silent on proposition 8 thus far although I don’t imagine that many people would guess wrong if they were to predict my position. I have heard plenty of opposition to the proposition so I know the major … Continue reading

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Robert Moultrie Question 5 Response

I got a belated response today from Robert Moultrie to the questions I sent. Rather than give him his own forum here – especially considering the length of his answers – I will only link to his new blog for … Continue reading

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The Costs of Health Insurance

Maybe this is related to being under a dentists drill this morning, but today’s topic is the cost of health care. A story over at The Health Insurance Myth detailing how much more a visit to the eye doctor costs … Continue reading

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District 20 Candidate Responses

In response to the questions that I sent to the candidates for House District 20 I received a written response from Kyle Roberts, an invitation to call Becky Edwards, and no response from Robert Moultrie despite multiple requests. I will … Continue reading

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Let me just start out by saying that I have no problem with Randy Horiuchi running for re-election, nor with his campaign slogan that "He’s got game." That being said, the image of him in hockey gear with the caption … Continue reading

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Expand Congress

I was very excited to be introduced to The first introduction on the site states an obvious fact: 435 can not faithfully represent 300,000,000 Americans. Our constitution designed the House of Representatives to represent the people of the United … Continue reading

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Climbing the Mountain

A week ago Scott posted a 1500 word analysis of the mountain I have invited others to climb with me. As usual, he provided many useful insights that should help us to navigate this climb successfully. After having a week … Continue reading

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Ask the Candidates (and Share Their Answers)

In an effort to not lose all inertia, I am publicly inviting anyone who has any interest in Anything But Neutral to choose a political race in Utah and ask the candidates of that race a few questions of their … Continue reading

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Short Term Uncertainty

I will be spending most of next week at a conference at Disney World so I don’t know how much I’ll be posting (little if any, I suspect). Besides that, I will be trying to take some concrete action to … Continue reading

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