Monthly Archives: September 2008


With bailouts such as Bear Stearns and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac there could not be a better time for the Peter G. Peterson Foundation to come along with the backing of $1 Billion (from Peter G. Peterson) and the insider expertise … Continue reading

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Oh Goody – More Debt

This is not a compete surprise, but when I saw the news that the government is going to bailout Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac I was disappointed at that one more proof that we don’t really live in a free … Continue reading

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McCain’s Words

As I said about Obama last week, I will measure a McCain presidency against his own words. Rather than trying to analyze what McCain said last night I will simply quote those portions which I would hope he is held … Continue reading

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New Domain

I have been wanting to get a more suitable domain for my site for some time and I have been wanting to do some less political writing (family journal type) at I finally took the plunge and purchased … Continue reading

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Talk About Tolling

As another group of local government officials stands up in opposition to tolling the Mountain View Corridor (MVC), I was surprised to read this in the Salt Lake Tribune: While the Utah Department of Transportation has explored user fees as … Continue reading

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